Toryo Senior HighSchool

Toryo is an academic school meaning that all of its students go onto university after they graduate. The school is 13-years old which is considered young relative to other schools in the city, some of which have been around for over half a century. The school architecture is quite modern and consists of smoothed concrete buildings complemented by ceiling to floor windows and pine paneling. The facilities include: a dormitory, a 50m outdoor pool, a gymnasium which can comfortably hold all 1200 or so students, karate and kendo dojos, four tennis courts, a sports field and a baseball field. The one amenity which I am so grateful that the school hasis full air conditioning in every classroom! There are very few schools inJapan that have this luxury. It really makes a difference when the outside temperature is about 40C with the humidity! While most of the teachers and students at Toryo have a good grasp of the English language (both speakingand listening), those in the English Department are so proficient that I can carry on a conversation with them about any topic.

During the month of August, most of the students were at school for extra-curricular activities. These were usually four hours of athletic practice followed by an afternoon of academic classes. This is what school holidays are like for Japanese students! In August, I spent a few hours each day at school working out in the dojo, swimming pool, or sports field, and meeting with the staff and students. Toryo students are just as proficient in their chosen club activity (e.g.. karate, track and field, tennis, band, etc.) as they are in their pursuit of academic excellence. They regularly compete against other schools in the province and bring home medals every time!